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What is Suspicious Activities Reporting Private Sector Security Training?

The Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Private Sector Security Training was developed to assist private sector security personnel and those charged with protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure in recognizing what kinds of suspicious behaviors are associated with pre-incident terrorism activities, understanding how and where to report suspicious activity, and protecting privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties when documenting information. This training also provides information about integrating the Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) into your organization's operations.


           On-site Private Sector Security Training 

In this 2 hour course participants will learn the signs of suspicious activity (NSI-SAR Certification) along with terrorist attack planning cycle, suspicious behavior, suspicious packages and possible surveillance activities that can be associated to criminal activities including terrorism while performing their daily duties.

TACT Consulting, LLC.

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TACT Consulting, LLC. is a private company not associated as part of  the United States Government, Department of Homeland Security or any other government agencies thereof.

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